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TOPIC: Love is only answer....what is question

Love is only answer....what is question 9 years 2 months ago #547

is this true...one already knows this and one can languish in the language if one wills .....the following is inferior to soul ....ones true essence...one is on a journey.....: .... can language express love. love is unspoken, unwritten, unseen, .......love is the only answer..... what is the question....all .........Not the word love, not the sound of the word love, not the spelling of the word love, and not the traditional meaning of the word love, not the external expressions of love, fore they are all inferior, .....but the love we all know within us one and all(one). all answers are within. soul is within and is source. being and doing love always and within and then without if one wills. love is a one way broadcast that waits for nothing. love does not look back fore love has no need to see results, fore that is condition and fear. simple yet foundational. if it waited it would be conditional and that is fear and not love. being a compassionate witness and having no attachment to the outcome. attachment is fear. if one is attached one is not just being love. love has no should's and have to's. love is spontaneous...unplanned.... be a loving compassionate witness. the best one can do is love. the alternative is to react to fear with fear. then one will be out of love and in fear. one can witness fear in the theatre but one can choose to be love. love is a one way broadcast. there is nothing to do but love from within. one is always free to express as ones wills. manifest ones experiences and be a new experience now if one wills. illness is an outward expression of not loving self within because of being without and not within. .......all answers are within....

shifting gears ....in fear based practical terms one can do something in response to a perceived problem in an alternative way as a bridge and temporary state of being. ie...simplicity reveals that the body needs to be loved via being rested on time fore there are processes happening based on light and timing, nourished with natural varieties, exercised naturally without devices, within a pristine natural environment, engaged with other loving beings of all kinds and types if one wills, let go of all attachments by being love, etc..

Andreas Moritz - Andreas has passed and left us excellent resources. if one makes contact via the website resources there exists a woman that has 10 years or more experience with the information andreas has to offer.
video channel: http://www.ener-chi.com/blog/andreas-moritz-videos-enerchitv/
book ..cancer is not a disease
book...liver gall bladder flush
book...timeless secrets of health and rejuvenation
process: kidney cleanse
process: colon irrigation
process: liver and gall bladder flush
process: Surya Namaskar: How to do Surya Namaskar with breath awareness:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZVhIzidcLo
book ....lifting the veil of duality
books: etc...

Jim Humble http://jimhumble.is

but... all answers are within.....there is nothing to do....love now now now fore that is all we can do. now...won...again....now....won(one) one is love....
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Last Edit: 9 years 2 months ago by mwasheleski@hotmail.com. Reason: title
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