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TOPIC: Dr. Arthur L. Franklin, ND

Dr. Arthur L. Franklin, ND 9 years 8 months ago #450

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This came from Justin by email, and I'm transferring it here:

Hey guys,

Dr. Arthur Franklin works with cancer patients. I think it is worth your time to give him a call to learn about his regime protocol. I'm healthy but I ordered much of it just for a benefit to my body. Good stuff. Of course, you have to WANT to get better and take all the steps for this to have an effect….but it's easy. Art is very reachable and loves to talk with people.

Blue Ridge Health Products, LLC
Dr. Arthur L. Franklin, ND
Naturopathic Doctor
13 Diamond Hill Road
Hampton, VA 23666
Cell: 757-773-4871 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Specialty: 21 years of All Natural Cancer Recovery
Our current Recovery rate for most Cancers is 97%
Usually in just 7 weeks with our all Natural program

To All:
Here is a small amount of the information I have learned in the past 21 years about Cancer Recovery. We are currently seeing a 97% Recovery Rate since October 2013, even if they are in Hospice. For the previous 19 years we were at an 85% Recovery Rate, which we thought was a pretty good percentage back then!
Our newest overall, but mainly Cancer product is called Artemisinin. It immediately destroys Cancer Cells in just hours! Please watch the 6 minute video in the attachment below by Dr. Len Saputo, MD. His information is very interesting on how this capsule product immediately kills and eliminates Cancer cells. We have just formulated an upgrade version of Artemisinin into a Tincture. (A liquid to be best taken using a Nebulizer with 3 of our original Regimen products.) It is even more potent and has additional Healing benefits, mainly because we have added the liquid Iron and Stem Cells to the formula! These Stem Cells are made from Plants and have the ability to repair the areas of the body that are in trouble, caused by almost any medical condition.
As you will hear on Dr. Saputo's 6 minute video and also read, when a small amount of an Iron supplement is added with the Artemisinin, 98% of Breast Cancer cells are killed (gone) within 16 hours. This is according to Dr. Saputo, MD and we believe the Cancer will be 100% totally gone when taken in combination with our Coral Calcium Regimen!
Another Example: If you have Leukemia, a blood disease, Artemisinin will kill off 100% of all Cancer cells in within 8 hours, again according to Dr. Saputo. This is much more than amazing, even for me to believe!
As I see it, this is a product anyone will want to seriously consider taking to help them to stay alive and totally Disease Free. There is absolutely no damage to healthy cells, not so with Chemo and Radiation treatments. They kill good and bad cells at the same time, because both of these treatments can't tell which cells are good, or which ones are bad! Only 1.9% of people who opt for especially Chemo, live more than 5 years. Not a good track record at all.
We also believe our newly formulated and upgraded form of Artemisinin, which is in a 4 oz. eye dropper bottle made into a Tincture with liquid Iron and Plant Stem Cells in our priority exclusive product have been added to the Artemesinin and it is now two to three times more effective to what you will see in Dr. Saputo's 6 minute video and read below. The Artemisinin Dr. Saputo is talking about is currently packaged in capsule form. When an Iron supplement is added and taken at the same time it is a powerful Cancer eradicator. Cancer cells like Iron. With Leukemia there is 100% more Iron in a Cancer cell than in a normal cell. Cancer cells require Iron to multiply! When the Iron is added with the Artemisinin the Cancer immediately consumes the Iron and the Artemisinin rides into the Cancer cell with the Iron and produces two oxygen molecules to form. This causes the Cancer cell to die within hours!
Attached below is my first Cancer response letter, now 9 pages. I actually have over 50 attachments, but am only sending a few them now, which is enough information for anyone to make an informed, intelligent decision on how they can heal themselves by Re-Booting and Re-Building their Immune System, usually within a 7 week period of time. This Recovery may become much less in time with our new Artemisinin Tincture. Any Cancer patient should be able to verify that they are actually Cancer Free by going back to the Hospital, have a PET/CT scan and blood work done on the 8th week after taking our Regimen of products.
With Hospice cases we recommend that they repeat the major part of our program for a second time. When you read the Throat Cancer testimonial below you will see what happened. We actually found that out by mistake what to do about 10 months ago with a gentleman named Leonard from Fredericksburg, VA who had Terminal Throat Cancer. He had been sent home to die, almost a year ago now. He couldn't speak or eat. His Recovery story was written by his daughter Melissa and is attached below. Since then we are seeing that the second round of our products work extremely well for Hospice patients who originally only had weeks to live! The Oncologist couldn't find any Cancer in his body, but because of Leonard's history talked him into taking Chemo and Radiation four months ago, even though they couldn't find any Cancer in his body. They made this decision for him, because of his past Cancer history they said they wanted to make sure they got it all, just in case! Unfortunately the reverse happened as I have seen so many times over the years and now he has lung Cancer. That is what usually happens, the Cancer shows up somewhere else in the body. We are Praying our new Artemisinin Tincture will again save his life! Maybe this time assuming we are again successful he will not be listening to the Cancer Doctors for the third time around.
You must also change your diet, always eating and drinking healthy or you will most likely see the Cancer return, probably somewhere else in the body usually within about 5 years, then it may be too late to Recover a second time!
I send a CD and DVD by Dr. Lorraine Day, MD on how to accomplish this positive change to stay Cancer Free when a product Regimen order is placed with us.
It's like building a house. If you don't have a hammer and saw you have a problem. The body is the same way, if it doesn't have the necessary tools, (in this case our combination of Natural Health products) it can't repair itself, as God intended! HE made us perfect, we have just messed it all up!
In the last 21 years we have found at least some of the correct answers that are working almost always to correct any health condition naturally, usually within that 7 week period. We are currently experiencing a 97% Recovery Rate maybe it will become even get better, because of our new product formula for the Artemisinin that we just added to our 7 week Regimen. Again, I hope you will take the time to watch the 6 minute video by Dr. Len Saputo, MD. in the attachment below. What he has to say will blow you away. WOW! Can't believe he doesn't use guarded words and is so open about saying it kills Cancer, like it kills Leukemia Cancer cells in the blood in just 8 hours! What a new find for us and all those we serve.
We continually Pray we can help a lot of hurting folks that just don't know where to turn, what to do or even who to believe! The doctors scare you to death when they say, do this, Cut, Burn or Poison, or you will die! Actually in most cases that is why you will die! The treatments kill you, not the Cancer.
We will see if God will again do his thing with each new case of Cancer using this new cutting edge technology Artemisinin. HE has made available to us.
You will notice in Lt. Col. Jim Geotechus's testimony that Prayer had a great deal to do with his healing. At least that's my take in Jim's case, because no one lives with Metastatic Melanoma and Jim was completely Cancer Free within 5 weeks! Jim is 81.
We have added the 2 week Colon Cleanse since Jim took our products. All disease starts in the colon! It had to be GOD knowing that Jim had more to do here on this earth. I'm also sure GOD saved my life back in 2004 when I had Stage IV Colon Cancer with 60 days left to live, because in my humble opinion HE had a job for me to do and I'm trying to fulfill HIS wishes every day with people who have been told to get their affairs squared away, mainly because of Cancer. Looks to me like HE is doing a pretty good job of it so far! I am still learning what works best!
Think you will enjoy the Radio Show I did last December at Norfolk State University. Received over 300 phone calls and/or Emails on this one. We didn't have the Artemisinin product you will read about at that time.
To GOD be ALL the Glory!!!!
If You don't have Your complete Health, nothing else really matters, does it?
Dr. Art

See Attachments below:
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