Proteolytic enzymes from animal plant, bacteria and fungus extracts should be top of the list of any and all conditions expect excess bleeding ones like gut ulcer. It is core of Gersen therapy and works good for any type and source of inflammation, burns, crush, infection, venom, allergy, poisons and cancer cells and the detox of their dying off. Just one or two multi enzyme enough for bad party food over does, but need like 4-5x what label says, 20-25 cap a day to get full effect which can be Dramatic. Over dose if such an thing merely mean bothers guts or give loose stool once or twice but so worth it to find over dose level for the great relief and curing it does at hi does. Freeing the body enzymes up by fasting is one of the main reasons fasting works, enzymes go out of gut and eat everything and anything that is not part of a healthy people. Proteolytic enzymes mixed as paste with Vit E and good carrier oil softens scars and lightens smooth them and can prevent much stretch marks in pregnancy if started ahead of time. Wobenzme from pancrease has the longest most use but many similar available and some extra expensive ones for blood vessel clots and other scar tissue like joints. Protelytic enzymes to not interfere with other therapy but usually increase it effects as open vessels and tissue to get it in and the crap back out but digested so not a toxin anymore. Said to eat off the coating of cancer cells so Amigdyln-B17-Laatril- found in fruit seed and pits can get to the cancer cell and posion it but not bother heathly cells.
Here more scope on enzymes