Just wanted to share a document I created to facilitate processing of claims that arrive.
This and others of similar character have been used in response to claims quite effectively for a year now.
They are made pursuant to the FDCPA, for debt claimants and collectors.
My general thoughts on the matter are to put them on notice that this claim is firstly, being disputed, secondly, needing validation, and thirdly, verifying certain legal guidelines.
Am eager to hear input form others on how this can be improved upon, and also in case anyone needed such a guide to address their concerns.
So far, all claimants replied to with this letter, have never responded back and have never been heard of again.
Also, their claims of reporting to the credit bureaus and agencies upon failure to send payments, has yet to materialize.
Am not an attorney and am merely sharing my successful experience regarding this matter.
My theory is that, all entities coming forth, need to first and foremost, be in compliance with establishing their legal status. If they have no authority or provision within legislation to exist, or is not in compliance with any regulatory agencies, then they need to correct their "paperwork" before I can proceed to process their claim.
I have not had to take it any further than this, as I mentioned earlier, they have never written back.
Hope this is helpful, peace and blessings, Francesca